War Horse Gallops into the Ahmanson

A human cast of more than 40 in addition to a cast of amazing life-sized equine puppets brought what was originally described as a children’s book to life on the Ahmanson stage of the Los Angeles Music Center.  The author, Michael Morpurgo disagrees.  He feels that the tale set during World War I in England and France remains a story for all ages and I agree.  This beautifully depicted theatrical experience, accompanied by dramatic music and song, tells a tale of loyalty, courage and friendship. War Horse depicts not only the tragedy of war but also that of courage and humanity…of soldiers doing their duty but also of men exhibiting compassion and kindness even while on opposite sides of the fighting. On a rather sparse stage, all the emotions that one can imagine filled the space and spilled out into the audience.  During intermission I noticed several children who were in the audience carrying their copy of the book, War Horse…and they were totally captivated by the show as were the adults.  It is a show for all ages.  War Horse, on stage, screen and the original novel offers a story of hope, friendship, love and the will to survive.  A must see!!

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