Pageant of the Masters Is Sheer Genius

Attending a performance of the Pageant of the Masters each summer at the Irvine Bowl in the picturesque town of Laguna Beach is a tradition I always look forward to.  Every year I am captivated by the astoundingly accurate recreations of life-sized great works of art which magically appear on stage accompanied by live orchestral music and enlightening commentary.  The magic is the people appearing in the paintings and sculptures are real living, breathing men, women and children.  This year’s theme, The Genius, portrays the relationship between  art and technology displaying masterpieces from the Renaissance to modern masters.  Paintings, sculptures and homages to genius through the centuries included those of  da Vinci, Rembrandt, Picasso, Vermeer, Morse, Rockwell, Newton, Mozart, Rodin and many more geniuses of renown.  This year’s performance offered the audience even more insight into the packaging of this unique theatrical performance.   I recall many years ago, the first time I attended Pageant of the Masters, I did not believe what I was told I was watching until, in the portrayal of a single Rockwell painting,of a little boy holding a balloon, he scratched his leg (on purpose).  This year’s show also features a salute to the heavenly bodies of our universe.  A spectacle for all ages.

Pageant of the Masters (July 7-Aug. 31)

650 Laguna Canyon Road

Laguna Beach


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