Tag Archives: Tom Dugan

Shades of Gray

June 12, 2012


Shades of Gray — no not that book — it’s a new one man play written and performed by Tom Dugan — Robert E. Lee- Shades of Gray at Theatre 40 in Beverly Hills.  Mr. Dugan, whose critically acclaimed one-man play, Nazi-Hunter — Simon Wiesenthal, is back bringing to life another perhaps misunderstood historical figure […]

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Nazi Hunter — Simon Wiesenthal

May 25, 2011


Both written and performed by multi-talented Tom Dugan, Nazi Hunter — Simon Wiesenthal is not a story of revenge but one of justice.  In the intimate setting of Theatre 40  in Beverly Hills, Simon Weisenthal came to life, portraying his last day in his office in Vienna  before retiring.  Wiesenthal,  an Austrian Jewish Holocaust survivor […]

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