Having It All

Five very talented actresses, well chosen not only for their voices but also their persona, make the story, Having It All,  that much more believable.   The scene is the waiting room at JFK airport where five strangers from various walks of life initially trapped together due to delay after delay, become intimate friends.  A dynamic, successful PR woman (with a magnificent voice), a married woman with two young children, a happily married childless woman, an older, very attractive yoga instructor and a single, pushy New Yorker  who is trying to write a book.  After a verbally combative beginning, eventually they share their stories and intimacies and ultimately, in more ways than one, change one another’s destinations.  It was almost like the audience was  eves dropping on the conversations of this very private group.   More than 30 years ago, Helen Gurley Brown wrote the landmark book, Having It All that proposed that women could in fact have it all.  That remains to be seen.  It would seem priorities must be chosen and there is more than one way to evaluate one’s choices.  This show is a winner and a bit of a tear-jerker.

NoHo Arts Center, 11136 Magnolia Bl., North Hollywood, (323) 960-7776.

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