Five very talented actresses, well chosen not only for their voices but also their persona, make the story, Having It All, that much more believable. The scene is the waiting room at JFK airport where five strangers from various walks of life initially trapped together due to delay after delay, become intimate friends. A […]
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Diavolo Opens Season at The Broad Stage
January 22, 2011
The ten enormously talented and versatile men and women of Diavolo had members of the audience holding our collective breath as we viewed their unique performance at the 2011 season opening of The Broad Stage. The show combines ballet, modern dance, gymnastics, martial arts and acrobatics enhanced by a dramatic musical score. Founded in Los […]
Title of Show at Celebration Theatre
July 20, 2010
Every seat in the casual, intimate Celebration Theatre in Hollywood was filled to capacity for the opening night (July 16) of the Los Angeles premiere of a new musical, “title of show.” Fresh from Broadway, this unique musical is a show about making a musical created by and for people who love musicals, and the […]
Will Geer Outdoor Theatre presents the story of Maria Callas in “Master Class”
July 14, 2010
One of my favorite summer outings is enjoying theatrical entertainment in the rustic Will Geer Theatre Botanicum in Topanga. Over the weekend I viewed a fascinating play about the famous opera diva Maria Callas in Master Class which I enjoyed at the Los Angeles Music Center more than a decade ago. This was more a […]
March 15, 2011